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Meet an Activity Counsellor: RHIANNA

Name: Rhianna

Age: 22

Location: Sheffield

Job: Student in York

Camp: New Jersey Camp Jaycee

Rhianna first went to camp in 2017, and will be returning for her second summer in 2018. She was an activity counsellor at camp, and led the sports ctivities during the days. Camp Jaycee is a camp in Pennsylvania for children and adult with additional support needs.

What was your role?

I was an Activity Counsellor for the first six weeks. This meant that I ran the sports sessions, teaching a mixture of tennis, football and organising fun games for the campers. Then in the fourth session I was a general counsellor, which meant more one to one care with the campers.

What was the best AND worst bits?

I really enjoyed spending time with the campers, and helping them out. Also meeting all the other counsellors and making friends, and spending time in the sun. The worst bits were the long hours, and the very little sleep you get. Also, the food was not great.

What should everyone pack for camp?

A comfy sleeping bag, lots of British snacks, a good water bottle, a torch, comfy jumper and some top class banter.

What are you hoping for at camp this year?

I am hoping to have a really good time with the campers and counsellors and meet new people.

What should everyone know before camp?

I think they scare you a little bit during pre camp about all the information you need to know, but I think you can only really learn on the job. It is hard at times but it is not as bad as people make out and also it’s very enjoyable!

What did you learn from camp?

I learned not to take life too seriously and just have a laugh.

Where have you visited as a result of camp? (travelling and reunions etc)

I have been to Scotland and Ireland to see friends from camp.

Where was the best place you visited travelling after camp?

Miami for sure!

Where do you want to travel this year?

I want to go to the West Coast, California in particular.

How did you deal with the long days?

Just have a laugh with your friends and don’t get too stressed over things and definitely take a chill approach.

Any advice for people thinking of applying?

I would say 100% do it, you’ll have a great time and make new friends!

How was the application process?

The application process it very long, especially if you’re applying for the first time there are a lot of stages to go through. Being a returnee has been a lot easier.

Best camp song?

I would say either chicken fried or sexy als ik dans.

Best evening programme?

I really enjoyed the banquet in 4th session.

Join us next week for another 'Meet a Counsellor.'

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